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Somoy News : Somoy TV is one of the spearheading 24-hour news situated TV slots in Bangladesh. The channel grew up with a band of dedicated columnists. Somoy News proceeds with its exercises with the end goal of displaying valid and politically impartial news to the group of spectators in the niche and corners of Bangladesh and different pieces of the world. 

Somoy Media Limited (Somoy Television) is a 24-hour Bengali news based private satellite TV station in Bangladesh. Its home office is in 89, Bir Uttam CR Dutta Road, Banglamotor, Dhaka. It has got communicated NOC permit from legislature of People's Republic of Bangladesh. After the start of check transmission on ten October 2010, it's financially on-air since seventeen Gregorian calendar month 2011.

Somoy Television means to get a positive change Bangladesh through significant, adjusted and exact news and data. Being exclusively a news based station, Somoy TelevisIon gives highest need to news and news substance. For giving LIVE news, DSNG (Digital satellite news assembling) and Bonding Technology are utilized for crisis and live news. For news inclusion past Dhaka, there are nine Bureau workplaces including all the divisional urban areas and in excess of 56 region journalists with present day advances to send news and video film right away. 

Universal News channel is taken straightforwardly from Reuters, APTN and SNTV. Exceptional accentuation is given on Channel look and feel; Branding and Look is made by a global marking organization. Somoy Television can be seen all through North America,some nations of Europe, Middle East, South Africa and a few nations of Asia. It can likewise be seen through Internet with the web address, Programs are additionally news based, concentrating on the news and data, examination of the news.
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