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SA TV : S.A. Channel Pvt. Constrained (South Asian Television) is a Bangladeshi based exclusive superior quality satellite station which formally started broadcasting in nineteenth January 2013, SA TV is a sister worry of SA Paribahan Pvt Ltd, a prestigious dispatch and strategic help supplier in Bangladesh. SATV utilizes the most recent innovation in communicating news and program generation through satellite Apstar-7. The station advances Bengali culture and language to the mass watchers by means of news, television shows, dramatizations, national and global games, music, motion pictures and furthermore programs about wellbeing, design and way of life. SATV likewise played host to the biggest unscripted TV drama on the planet, Bangladeshi Idol in 2013, which was then one of the most noteworthy evaluated indicates across the nation. 

 The SATV family comprises of youthful and fiery individuals just as profoundly experienced experts in the media business. The channel has been now been hailed for its guidelines of exceptional introduction and push on goal, solid and valid news and inside and out current undertakings appears. 

With its well honed full HD cutting edge transmission, SATV, from its absolute first day, has been indicating diverse stimulation projects delivered by a functioning group of innovative makers. What's more, simultaneously, SATV's very spry news group presents continuous refreshed news and perspectives secured by a cautious group of columnists. Inside an exceptionally brief timeframe SATV has come to a specific level to group of spectators. It has turned out to be one of the main TV stations of the nation through quality and target reporting. 

SATV supplements its system inclusion through link administrators to various nations including United States, Canada, UK and the Middle East. In view of its vision, the channel brags a world class group national and worldwide counsels, experts, organizers and columnists to give an absolute universal effort.

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